Thursday, June 19, 2008

Organic Ayurveda Soap

We were excited when we came back from India. Our visit to an ayurvastra production centre in Kerala opened our eyes to numerous types of natural herbs that can be used to dye yarns and fabrics and make soaps. The concoction in each dye is specific to certain ailments, in accordance to ancient Indian ayurveda treatment.

We brought back soaps that are made from the oils of natural indigenous Indian herbs, one that is made primarily from Neem, and the other made primarily from Ramacham (or vetivert).

About The Plants


Neem (the green leafy plant in the pictures) is a very useful plant that provide numerous uses from roots to leaves. It is such a wonderful healing tree that it is regarded as the Wonder Tree in India. Typically growing to 10-11 metres tall, the tree bears small white flowers with single-seeded green or yellow fruits. Neem trees grow easily even in drought conditions and provide much welcomed shade with their wide spread branches. They are not only air purifiers, but also a healing tree as all parts of the tree have healing properties.

Neem leaves help to reduce flatulence, phlegm and are also good insecticides. Fresh leaves can be concocted to fight against chronic malaria fever. The gum discharge form the stems has a soothing effect on the skin. Saps from Neem trees can be extracted to treat leprosy. Neem leaves can also be applied externally to treat skin diseases. The juice of Neem leaves can even be applied on the eyes to treat eye and ear ailments.


Ramacham or Vetivert (the greyish moss-like plant in the picture) comes from the perennial Gramineae family with tall scented grass. It is a known to calm the mind, soothe the nervous system and relief aches and pains.

A bath with the Vetivert soap is great for insomnia, rheumatism, arthritic pain and healing of the skin, relieving mental and physical exhaustion.

About Our Soaps

Neem Vedic Soap (Beige)
Made without the use of irritants, synthetic fragrances or colours and has a cooling effect after use. The anti-fungi property of Neem seed oil and the anti-oxidant Tulasi make this vedic soap great for antiseptic and healing of primary skin diseases such as eczema, inflamed skin, chicken pox and athlete's feet.

Other ingredients in this soap include cold pressed Coconut Oil, Lye, Palmarosa, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Geranium and other natural herbs. Suitable for vegans.

Vetivert/Ramacham Soap (Green)
Vetivert essential oil has an earth, musty smell and has wonderful effect on the mind and body. Revitalise your body with this organic soap made from Ramacham, Trinaraja, Curcuma, Coconut Oil and other natural oils. Free from animal fats, irritants and synthetic colours. Suitable for vegans.

The ingredients in the soap comes from naturally growing wild herbs in India that the production centre in Kerala either grows themselves or purchases from the local tribes. Each of our soap is wrapped in natural betel nut husks.